Kick-off meeting | PRIN 2022

Si segnala l’evento Kick-off meeting dei Progetti:

PRIN 2022 – ARCHITA. ARCHaeological and ARCHitectural lntegrated platform for TAras.
From scientific research to a new interactive platform for knowledge, conservation, management and dissemination of archaeological data related to an ancient setdement
PRIN 2022 – TARAS. Tarantine Ancient Archaeology and Architecture: Restoration and Sustainability.
From the morphological study of an architectural heritage to a sustainable proposal with innovative methods for its restoration and enhancement

che si svolgerà Mercoledì 20 marzo a Taranto, presso la Soprintendenza Nazionale per il Patrimonio Culturale subacqueo, Ex Convento di S. Antonio, via L. Viola 12, Taranto

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